HELPING OLDER KIDS ADJUST TO A NEW BABY - Tips from a Seattle Newborn Photographer

Having a baby is a joyful, exciting time for a family. But it’s also a time of change. If you already have little ones at home and you’re about to welcome a new addition, here are a few tips for making the transition easier.

Start slowly during your pregnancy with small changes that can eventually become part of your daily routine. Kids usually have lots of questions, which can help you to understand what’s on their mind. Talking often about what it will be like when the baby arrives can help to ease your child’s worries.

Give them a job. Toddlers love to help and asking them to do a simple task, like bringing you a diaper when you change baby, will make them feel included. This even works with older kids who are willing to take on bigger jobs, like walking the dog or folding the laundry. Let them know they’re an important part of the team!

Create a routine by choosing a book about having another baby so the idea becomes familiar. With older kids, set aside time for fun whenever you can. And keep it simple - walk to the playground, bake cookies, or play a board game.

It takes a village! Enlist help from your people. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends - these are the people who love you most so they’re happy to help out and give you a break when you need it. If loved ones don’t live nearby, finding a trusted babysitter is helpful for those times when you need an extra set of hands.

Go easy on yourself. Understand that there will be tough days. Days when you want to catch up on sleep while baby is napping but your older kiddos ask you to play. But one thing is certain, there will be so much sweetness in these hazy, busy, messy days as you figure out this journey they call parenthood.

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